Filza File Manager 3.0.0 released
|Filza File Manager, powerful File Manager for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

Explore files and folders with list view or grid view. View/edit files with powerful viewers, includes: media player, plist editor, hex editor, text editor, ….
Filza can also view office files: word, excel, powerpoint …
Sharing files between computer and your device with Air Browser
Terminal, allow execute shell scripts and console app
Manage iPhone music library easily, import/export/rename/delete …
Installer, can view details, install or extract IPA package and DEB package
Manage applications, list all installed applications, uninstall or install apps
Music library: Manage music library, import/export/rename/delete just same as normal files
Create DEB file, Manage file associations and viewers …
Cloud services: Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, SugarSync, FTP, SFTP, …, and Windows File Sharing (SMB)
Support iOS 7+, Optimized for iPhone 6(s) Plus screen (Retina HD)
User guide : here
You can install from BigBoss Repo (latest RELEASED version of Filza)
OR you can install from our Repo: (latest DEVELOPMENT version of Filza)
Version history:
Updated to version 3.0.0:
Filza now runs as mobile instead of root. Fixes 3rd keyboard, language, airdrop, black status bar issue …
Added Support for protected zip, rar files
Upgrade Video Player, supports PiP (new Picture in Picture feature on iOS 9)
Added 2 Homescreen menu shortcuts: Apps manager & Music library (for device supports 3D Touch)
Optimized List view mode. Much faster
Fixed Text Editor bug
Fixed FTP/SFTP/Dropbox/Box/OneDrive/WebDAV download file permission issue
Optimized FTP connection
Fixed oneDrive, Pasteboard, Put back bug
Supported iPad Slide Over & Split View (iPad mini 2,3,4; iPad Air 1,2; iPad Pro)
New features: Restorable windows, Editable path (tap on folder title)
Supported external viewer (open in other apps)
Updated Text Editor, Favorites, default theme
Updated Search: Search with filesize, file type

hi is cydia download available for iphone 6 running on ios 10
No, currently has no public jailbreak for iOS 10
need jailbreak for my ipad pro ios 9.1.1
need help!.. how to jailbreak ipad with iOS 9
They provided tool to jailbreak iOS 9:
It has crashed on running with whitescreen after a recent system core tweaks update! please fix the bug. i paid it for using well but not now.
Hi, I will check that issue, Thanks